50+ Curling Leagues Information

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Welcome Curlers! From our humble beginnings as a rental league in the late 1980's to becoming a important part of the St. Albert Curling Club with over 230 curlers, the 50+ Curling League's mission is to provide 50+ curlers in our community a place where they can come together to curl for fun and fellowship and to promote an atmosphere of friendly competition and healthy social interaction. 

Why should I join the 50+Mixed Curling League? 

In addition to participating in the great sport of curling during the day, you will be part of a welcoming and supportive group of people.  Many people find that the "extra" events that happen throughout the year make our league one of the best!

SOCIAL and WELLNESS: Our members enjoy a few ‘extras’, such as the occasional free treats and coffee on Member Appreciation Days; our Christmas party, our AGM luncheon and the wind-up bonspiel & banquet. We host a flu vaccination clinic in the fall, as well as various social activities, such as the Turkey Shoot, throughout the year.   We also try to support our members and their families when they are having health and wellness issues.  

Mixed Curling: 4 leagues - Mondays & Wednesdays - 9am and 11:30am draws. 4 person teams. Register individually. Team are created before season start.  2 half seasons: Oct-Dec & Jan-Mar.

Stick Curling: 13 leagues - Tuesdays, Thursdays & Friday - Multiple draws.  Register individually as a 2 person team. 2 half seasons: Oct-Dec & Jan-Mar.


 Additional Fees:

  • *50+ members will be charged $5.00 for 50+ CURLING - ANNUAL DUES.
  • *50+ members - Prize fee per league - Mixed $6, Stick $3

Sharing a Spot:
Members are encouraged to share spots if they can't commit to the whole session.  These are the parameters if you are interested in doing so:
  • 1 person will register and pay, and the other person needs to be a member of some sort; at minimum an Associate member in the St. Albert Curling Club.
  • Fee sharing to be done privately, between the people sharing.  
  • They both must play the same position for all games
You must advise the office if Sharing a Spot, as both names will need to be included on the team roster. 


50+ curlers are asked to find their own spares when not able to make their game(s).  All spares must be members of the St. Albert Curling Club, as an Associate or Full Member.

Looking for a Spare?  Use the Find a Spare tool, linked from the Member's Home menu - Leagues.
Wanting to Spare?  Add your name to the spare list for any St. Albert Curling Club league - Use the My Sparing Availability tool, also linked from the Member's Home menu - Member Info.

You may also find any member's contact info using the Member Search tool, also linked from the Member's Home menu - Other.


The 50+ Curling Leagues have a group of volunteers who plan many aspects of this league.  From putting together teams for the open mixed leagues to planning social acitivites, thank you to all who make this possible!

To find the contact information for key 50+ executive members as well as all Spare Coordinator's phone and email addresses:  

Log into your St. Albert Curling Club account and see under Your Next Games to find the "INFO" link under each game listed.

(Please note that we do not publicly display personal contact information for privacy concerns, thus the reason you must LOG into your account for this information.)
Pictures and list of all committee members are posted on the 50+ Bulletin Board in the Club.

Rhonda Evanoff - 2024-25 Committee President 




Member Login

Upcoming Events

  • Jan
    76th Anniversary Open Bonspiel Jan 30-Feb 1
    05:00 PM
  • Mar
    50+ Windup Bonspiel Mar 18-20
    09:00 AM

Our Sponsors

Our Location

3 Tache Street
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
T8N 2S3

Contact Us

Phone: 780-459-7007

Email:  Contact Us

Follow Us

About Our Club

We are a unique community facility offering  a variety of curling opportunities including youth and adult instruction, leagues, bonspiels and ice rental for corporate and community events, as well as special event space.  We are fully wheelchair accessible, including curling ice.