Lifetime Members

St. Albert Curling Club recognizes current and past members who have made a significant contribution to the success 
and growth of our club. 




RAY ROUAULT    Presented 2016

Ray Rouault was only 24 years old when he was voted President of the "old" St. Albert Curling Club in 1956. Ray would become one of the original shareholders in 1959 when the Club moved to its current location. For over 60 years, Ray has curled an average of three times a week and has been an incredible volunteer. 


 DON JOHNSTON       Presented 2011

Don Johnston started curling in St. Albert in 1987.  It was 2009 when Don volunteered to chair the club's Building Committee as we embarked on one of the most ambitious projects in the Club's history:  the $3 million dollar rebuild of the club's front end.  Don's contribution and expertise on this project was immeasurable.


JACK WINTER          Presented 1998

Jack Winter was the Manager of the St. Albert Curling Club from 1986 to 2003.  Jack was instrumental in helping organize the volunteers for the numberous bingo's the club had to do back in the 90's.  They raised an astounding $700,000 which enabled us to build the new back end of the club.

1998 MCKAY

 NEIL McKAY          Presented 1998

Neil McKay has been a long time volunteer and supporter of the St. Albert Curling Club.  Neil was the President when the new back end of the club was build in 1997.  Helping steer the building committee, this was a huge project that totally removed the old rink which had been rebuilt in 1959.


 DAVE BEREZAAN       Presented 1988

Dave Berezan served 5 years as President of the St. Albert Curling Club (1977-1982).  He would also serve many years as St. Albert's representative on the Northern Alberta Curling Association Board of Directors, becoming President of that organization in the 1984-85 season.  Dave became a Life Member of NACA in 1988.


 SHIRLEY FISHER       Presented 1983

Shirley Fisher was a long time member of the St. Albert Curling Club when she decided to take over as Club Manager from 1980-1986.  As a member or as Manager, you could always count on Shirley for active participation in numberous volunteer activities with the Club.


HEC GERVAIS          Presented 1977

Hec Gervais helped his dad make the ice at the original St. Albert Curling Club back in the 1950's.  The "potato farmer from St. Albert" gave our club huge exposure with his 1961 World Championship and 1974 Brier win.   The upstairs lounge is still called "The Friendly Giant Lounge" in his honour.


BETTY ANDERSON       Presented 1977

Betty Anderson was recognized for her many years of continuous selfless service to the St. Albert Curling Club.  Betty will always be remembered as a proud member, respected curler, and tireless volunteer.  For more than two decades, she was a very active member, including being President of the Ladies Club.


ART McCORMACK       Presented 1975

Art McCormack was Club Manager from 1964 to 1974.  He was recognized for ten years of loyal service, friendhsip, and helping instill pride in the Club.  Art retired on a high note when teams from the St. Albert Curling Club won the Mens (Hec Gervais), Ladies (Marilyn Johnston) and Mixed Provincial Championships (Roger Comeau).

1974 FLYNN

JIM FLYNN          Presented 1974

Jim Flynn and his wife Mary were longtime member of the St. Albert Curling Club.  Jim even served as President back the the 1959 season.  A true gentleman, Jim Flynn was the epitome of good sportsmanship over his three decades curling and volunteering here at the Club.


CASEY ANDERSON       Presented 1974 

Casey Anderson was one of the original shareholders in the new St. Albert Curling Club back in 1959.  he would go onto become President and was the catalyst behind the rejuvenated, renovated, renamed Friendly Giant Lounge back in 1969.  Casey and his family operated the bar on weekends, having to obtain a single permit each time. 

1972 IRWIN

WALLY IRWIN          Presented 1972 

Wally Irwin served as President of the St. Albert Curling Club from 1970-1972.  His strong business background enabled the Club to get on solid financial footing in the 1970's.  With the newly opened "Friendly Giant Lounge" and the popularity of the sport growing, Wally's many volunteer hours definitely benefitted our Curling Club.


ARMAND DONAIS       Presented 1969

Armand Donais was the first ever recipient of the Honourary Life Member accolade at the St. Albert Curling Club.  During his tenure as President from 1962-1967, Armand was instrumental in negotiating the building and land agreement with the City of St. Albert in 1965.  This ensured the Cloub would have a home for future generations.

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3 Tache Street
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
T8N 2S3

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About Our Club

We are a unique community facility offering  a variety of curling opportunities including youth and adult instruction, leagues, bonspiels and ice rental for corporate and community events, as well as special event space.  We are fully wheelchair accessible, including curling ice.